
MW3 for raw volume, but Skyrim for pure immersion…
Whilst clear that Modern Warfare 3 wins on raw hours played, it’s Skyrim that takes both the “hours played per player” & “session length” awards to snatch Raptr’s “Most Played 2011″ award from under it’s multi-player FPS nose.
(Update: The full Raptr report is now available directly by clicking here)
It’s interesting to see two great quality single player games do so well against the industry dominating FPS genre, and it can only be a good thing that a complex and epic single player story line can still put up such a strong fight against the industry’s multi-player military shooter titans (be they set in the here and now or the distant future…).
It’s no secret that we love Raptr and it for just this sort of reason… we finally get to quantitatively state which game was “most played”, in addition to continue to argue about which game was qualitatively best.
Everyone has their preference for game type, genre, or style, but it reassuring to know that the numbers back up public opinion in the main, just on raw stats alone who could argue that these five games don’t make a fairly reasonable shortlist for game of the year?
Keep us on you radar and find out what we make of the “quality” debate later this month…
– Richard “Rax” Burley