Little Big Bunch

Wide gaming taste? This indie charity pack has it all pretty much covered!

Come the end of the year one’s thoughts often turn to Christmas, but also Charity… don’t we all want to end the year on a moral as well as sugar powered high?

As you may know we are all over the Humble Bundle as an end of year charitable effort and so it’s only fair to also bring to your attention this equally excellent effort…

Delivering you not only the amazing Frozen Synapse but also Explodemon, NS Soccer 5, Munch’s Odyssey and Serious Sam Double D, all of which are certainly worth your time… oh and you choose the price! $1 a game? That’s fine! But remember it’s for charity! Be generous!

So for double the piety, grab em both; the Humble Bundle on the link above and the Little Big Bunch via their website at; http://www.getgamesgo.com/little-big-bunch!

– Richard “Rax” Burley
