But what when two just isn't enough? Well, why not each bring a friend?
Sometimes a news story is doubly worth breaking, but in this case it’s quadruply so, and that is rare my friends!
Not only is the next installment of the superb Army of Two franchise doubling up to 4-player co-operative chaos (Huzzah!) but we also learn that it’s going to be powered by the oh-so-very-awesome Frostbite 2 engine behind the incredible Battlefield 3.
As huge fans of co-op this really is a going to be a treat for us!
This catapults the game up our lists to sit alongside Syndicate, Mass Effect 3 and possibly Dragon Age 3 as being 4-player co-op games to get very, very excited about.
Now I just need to actually make 3 friends… better get a move on!
– Richard “Rax” Burley